Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leaving Hampton May 5

Before we left the marina on Monday May 5, we motored over to a Tee-dock to get a pump out. That had to be my single worst docking job in the last two years. The wind and current were both working against us, Kaye missed getting a spring line around a piling and I should have docked into the wind and current. It took three docking tries to get tied up and on one we came perilously close to hitting another boat. Not our finest action. To top off the day, after leaving Hampton and heading north on the Chesapeake Bay we hit confused seas with a predominate beam sea and we both got seasick. Kaye was sick and I felt bad so about 1300 we headed for an anchorage. In two years of boating Kaye had never gotten sick and I hadn't since one day in the Gulf of Mexico on Higher Ground right after we bought the boat. So while the waves really weren't that rough this was an unusual situation. We went up Poquoson River and anchored in Chrisman Creek and had a fairly quiet night. The next morning dawned peacefully, and as the picture shows the water on the creek was almost smooth.

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