From Yorktown we voyaged north on the Chesapeake Bay with one night anchoring in the Mill Creek of the Great Wicomico River on the Western shore of the Bay. This was close to the seafood industry center in Reedville, VA. The next night was an anchorage off the Potomac in Conoe Neck Creek of St. Clements Bay. At the mouth of St. Clements Bay is St. Clements Island which is the birthplace of Maryland. In 1634, Leonard Calvert landed with 200 Roman Catholics from England on the Ark and Dove vessels. The statigically located island was u
Our third night of anchoring was at Matawoman Creek. This was about three hours south of Alexandria City Docks, our next marina stop. On the way you pass George Washington's estate of Mt. Vernon. Alexandria is an old town and there is a lot of old and historical structures right near the City Docks. With a local free trolley covering the downtown, we were able to visit many sites. We saw the Christ Church, with early members, George Washington and Robert E. Lee, the US Patent and Trademark building with a small patent museum, and the Gatsby Tavern which G.Washington used. We also came back to eat at the Tavern and enjoyed a great meal of good american food.