WHERE HAVE WE BEEN? As those that have been reading my blog know I have not made an entry for well over a month. There are many reasons. The prime explanation is that the Verizon Air Card internet service in Illinois was very poor. I think AT & T must be the main service provider in that area. Then I couldn't connect to Wi-Fi at any marinas we stayed at. Either the signal was too weak or there is some setting in Vista I don't have right (although I have no problems at libraries and coffee shops.) Lastly we were away from our boat for 2 1/2 weeks visiting our son and family in Cincinnati, doing a series of doctor appointments in Tarboro, and moving some household items to our new home in Kerrville, Texas. With all this going on I just haven't had time to catch up. Now I hope to get some entries made in the next week.
Grand Haven, Michigan harbor.
We went into the harbor at Holland which is really a large lake for Labor Day weekend. We passed this large lake freighter on the way in.

We decided to stay another day anchored in Holland. We had been on the go for several days and it was time for a break so we took a day to do some maintenance on the boat and relax. After many pretty sunsets we experienced I finally got up early enough the day we left to catch this sunrise picture.

This picture shows the lighthouse on the inlet to Holland harbor.
The last Michigan marina was at the St. Joseph West Basin. We arrived on Saturday of Labor Day weekend and as part of their festivities the town had a fireworks display. We were able to sit on the back of the boat and see the entertainment clearly.
Then after leapfrogging down the east side of Lake Michigan we finally reached Indiana on Monday where we stayed at a marina in Michigan City Indiana. At a park near the marina the city was having a festiveal with seveal music acts and food vendors. We strolled through and took in a couple groups performing.
The water of Lake Michigan is a beautiful torquoise. The photos don't adequately capture the beauty of this clear water.
We decided to stay another day anchored in Holland. We had been on the go for several days and it was time for a break so we took a day to do some maintenance on the boat and relax. After many pretty sunsets we experienced I finally got up early enough the day we left to catch this sunrise picture.
This picture shows the lighthouse on the inlet to Holland harbor.
Then after leapfrogging down the east side of Lake Michigan we finally reached Indiana on Monday where we stayed at a marina in Michigan City Indiana. At a park near the marina the city was having a festiveal with seveal music acts and food vendors. We strolled through and took in a couple groups performing.
Lake conditions were very smooth the last several days. Boating conditions were very good through most of the time on Lake Michigan.